Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Kitchen Day 17

All the weird bits...

Today (September 14th.) we made the strange stuff... Liver and Sweatbreads. I will let you look up that last one! :-P I'm not a fan of liver, I never have been, my father hated it growing up (remember Grandma is from Denmark, they love that stuff!) so he never really made us eat it; seriously thank you Dad!

Chef Marcus explains how to prepare a full liver, Martin looks very intrigued! (or maybe he might hurl!) 

Sweatbreads, they aren't exactly your first thought!... 

I first heard of sweetbreads from the amazing film, Chef (Jon Favreau 2014). I have never had them before today, the most similar thing I had to them was the infamous Rocky Mountain Oyster; not quite the same thing but it tasted very similar.

Honestly I liked them. I had no ideas going into it what it would be like so I was pleasantly surprised. Very tender, light, really take up the flavor of the dish you make. I will most likely work with them in the future, from what I can see they are an underused piece of meat.

The liver on the other hand....
This dish is too much for me. I'm not quite sure what I don't like, if it's just liver itself or if it might be that and other similar parts that are very dense, with a lot of iron in them. Maybe it will become an acquired taste, for now it's not for me.

I did enjoy cooking it however. My team made a seared and braised liver with caramelized onions and apples. I made the garnish for the dish, I LOVE caramelized onions. I'm not going to lie, super off topic, but my French Onion Soup is "theBOMB.com".

Beyond the proteins, we made a few side dishes and Chef's famous Spatzle. To serve the sweetbreads, Chef made us a puff pastry (Jakob made his in these and was awarded the perfect dish of the day!).

 It looks amazing! I din't get to try it though :'( it was gone when I got my plate...

Chef Marcus loves making Spatzle! He says it's one of the best ways to get out any pent up energy. I believe him, he really beat the dough!

I really enjoyed cooking more than anything today. It was a fun day! I will look forward to using sweetbreads in the future, I never would have known what to do with them!


  1. Danish liver pate is pretty good stuff when spread on some delicious dark bread. Not a big fan of liver on its own.

    1. Chef Marcus made a really good pate before we even tried cooking with it. I am finding that his cuisine and Grandma's are almost exactly the same! Super cool!

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