Monday, October 10, 2016

Not just A Mountain Chef...

You have to read that in the voice of Jeremy Clarkson btw :-P

Just a beautiful morning in Boulder, mist on the mountains..

Do you remember a few weeks back? I mentioned that things were happening? I barely remember, if I'm honest. So much has happened since we first met. Today was the first day of week 8. WEEK 8! Officially it was day 40 in class, (Kitchen Day 35, I don't count the ServSafe as in the kitchen)... If you are paying attention you will notice that we are on day 26 as far as posts go. (Yep that makes me officially beyond behind in posts!!!!!)

It isn't all for nothing.

I'm soooooo excited!!!! Lot's of stuff is happening behind the scenes here that you just have to wait for! One of the new awesome things I can share with you, briefly now and then again in more detail when I do get around to finishing that post.

Auguste Escoffier Blogger!

A few weeks back I was asked by the fantastic marketing department at Escoffier to write for them! Crazy cool! I never thought I would ever be here doing this, definitely not writing articles officially for someone! I interviewed the incredible Chef Marcus Lepke and it is up on the Escoffier blog for you to see! 

(that title is a link to the page)

That isn't all though. I am in the process of writing another article for the school that will be up soon. I am also working to take this project to the next level, and it will not just be about me. A new idea/phrase that I'm working with right now:

Food. It isn't about me. It isn't about you. It is about what WE bring to the table.

That is the new direction I will be taking. I wan't to make this about Us. No great restaurant is run alone. It takes teams, both within and without, to make it run at the best possible capacity. We are on the brink, and everything is going to change. I can't wait to let this run, at full speed, until it takes over. This is the beginning. This is the end. This is the CHANGE.

PS this isn't the end of anything good, it's the end of my old life, on to the brand new! :D
